Vso Software's DivXToDVD is yet another simple to use program that can convert your DivX/XviD files (as well as some other formats) to a DVD video disc which you can view using your standalone player. What makes it different than other competitors in the same program category is that it's by far the most simple one (select source file, destination file and click start!) as well as the faster one (the only program in this category that can claim to be faster is WinAVI).

Also its big advantage is that it's free, so you can just download the full version from our downloads section here. Unfortunately 0.5 is the latest free version, as Vso Software has decided to add many new features and make DivXToDVD a commercial program. However this free version is still available and will always be, and when the paid one comes out we'll be the first to write a guide and review it so that you'll know if it's worth it to upgrade.

Until then, enjoy this nice free version and the guide below!

This is the main (and only!) window of DivXToDVD that contains all the settings that need to be set in order to start your conversion. Lets take a closer look to them.
First of all you need to select the movie you want to convert by click the first folder-like icon (1). You can select as many video files as you want and they will be converted to DVD in order of selection. After you select the source files, you need to set the destination folder (2). Make sure there are more than 5GB free in the hard disk you are going to use.
Now if you are sure for the aspect (3) and the standard - format (4) of the files you are converting you can try selecting them to be sure, but usually automatic works just fine. If you have CopyToDVD installed it would be a good idea to select "Burn with CopyToDVD" so that it burns your DVD right after the conversion has finished.
CopyToDVD is a nice DVD burning tool from Vso Software. You can have a look at its guide here. If you don't have a burning tool you can consider it an excellent and cheap choice that will burn quality DVD and CD discs. If you use another DVD burning program instead, just leave this option blank.
Now everything should be set, so you can click Convert (6) for the conversion to start.

This is how DivXToDVD will look after the conversion starts. As stated before, the conversion speed is excellent. For a 2 hour movie, it needed a little more than 50 minutes to convert. As we have selected Burn with CopyToDVD after the conversion is complete the burning process starts.

CopyToDVD will ask you to select the right burner (if you have more than one in your system). Do so, then put a blank media inside, and the burning starts! A few minutes later your new DVD video disc is ready!

The biggest advantage DivXToDVD has is the amazing conversion speed. In most cases an hour will be enough to turn an AVI file into a DVD video disc, a process that with other programs can take more than 3-4 hours. (with the exception of WinAVI, as we already said, which is as fast as DivXToDVD). Also it's very simple, something positive for newbies. However many users would like more features (like DVD menus, custom chapters, double pass). I guess that the first commercial version will be much improved, but until that happens download and try this free one, you won't lose!.Don't forget to subscribe


  1. Vinayak  

    7:13 AM

    nice post
    I will try it

  2. yili360  

    8:57 PM

    well done. i think i should got it to burn my new download movies to dvd for my home theater.
    i cant see the screenshot. what is wrong. dvd to mp4 converter

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