There are two ways to do this:

1. WinXP scheduler

In a MSDOS box (You get it by typing "cmd" in the START & RUN links).
Once in the black CMD window you can type > AT ? or AT help
This will show you the help on how to use AT command.
But this is not a good option.

2. uTorrent scheduler
This is the best option.
You go to the scheduler option via:

Preference => Scheduler

There you have to check the "Enable Scheduler" box.
Below it you have 7 sets of 24 "green" boxes.
Each of the 7 rows corresponds to a day from Monday to Sunday.

Each of the boxes corresponds for an hourly time line, starting from 00 am to 11 PM (or 0:00 h to 23:00 h.

By default they are green => which means "Full Speed Seed"

In your case if you want to seed from 2 am to 8 am daily :

Click in the 3rd to 8th box till it is green and turn the rest to White. (See Screenshot below).

You can adjust the UL & DL speed there too.
This will do the job lots smarter for you .

By default you will have to leave your PC ON for this.

There is also an option to start utorrent automatically when your PC boots up:

In uTorrent "Preferences":
=> General Window
- At the bottom of the pane you will see "Windows Integration".
Check the "Start uTorrent On System Startup".

It will start and DL or UL any torrents that was in it the last time you closed it.

You can also program the BIOS setup and set in the CMOS the time at which you want your PC to boot UP.
This is available in most today's PC. Check the document that comes with your PC or Motherboard for seting this Option.

Hope this helps.

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  1. FunFactWorldz  

    7:43 AM

    Thank you very much.........

  2. sampath  

    10:44 AM


  3. Lilly Austin  

    1:20 AM

    this is nice blog ........... you have done a great job....

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